It’s good 2 ive’ Recipe Tastings

In preparation for our scrumptious new ‘It’s good 2 give’ product, a recipe box filled with delicious and varied meal and snack ideas, some fantastic It’s good 2 give helpers have been cooking a selection of recipes at home to taste-test and rate.

A selection of meals made using our new recipe cards

We want to provide all of you with only the very best ‘Masterchef worthy’ recipes.

Our idea is to create a recipe box filled with exciting recipes; ranging from family favourites, well balanced and nutritional meals, sweet treats, our celebritiy patrons’ own creations and many, many more.
This will be sold later this year with all proceeds going towards our fabulous charity.

We are also including some particularly moving recipes from families of those who have experienced life with an ill child.

Sometimes that ‘saving grace’ Shepherds Pie recipe (made by the thoughtful neighbour) can be just what the doctor ordered after a long hard day at the hospital.
Thank you to everyone who has donated their favourite recipes so far.

We have some ideas for ‘special edition’ recipe packs to be sold seasonally – so watch this space!

 A HUGE thank you to all who have donned their chef hats and helped us out with some of these tastings and a special mention for  Kate Harrison and Armorel Robinson who have been snapping their beautiful ‘at home’ cooking creations.

If you have a questions, please get in touch by emailing

Clare Bridson