Meet Angela - An It's good 2 give Patron
We are very lucky to have Professor Angela Thomas OBE as part of the It’s good 2 give team.
Angela is currently the Acting President of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh and a very well respected member of the medical profession with a knowledge that is second to none.
An amazing lady and a patron of our charity for many years, here’s Angela to tell us a bit about herself and the work she does for It’s good 2 give.
Hello! My name is Angela and I am a paediatric haematologist by training.
I have had the privilege of working for 27 years as a Consultant looking after children with blood problems at the Royal Hospital for Sick Children in Edinburgh. I trained in London, first looking after adults but once I started looking after children, there was no going back!
I first met Lynne at the start of her fundraising career - the point when everyone realised that she was rather good at it!
She needed amateur models for her first fashion show and always up for a challenge - who could believe that walking slowly in public while smiling and not falling over could be so difficult.
I volunteered and have been involved with It’s Good 2 Give ever since.
I love the fact that the help offered is thoughtful, equitable, local, gives real comfort and addresses needs that the NHS can’t provide - like wrapping our patients and families up in a huge warm towel and giving them a hug.
I love being involved with the fundraising - being rather extrovert in nature, the type of activities Lynne organises are right up my street - bit of bling, bit of a laugh and raising lots of money - what could be better!
One of my favourite things to do however is volunteering to clean the Ripple Retreat on a Friday morning at the change over.
I have met some wonderful new people, reconnected with old friends and caught up with patients and parents who come to volunteer too.
My cleaning skills have seriously improved and along with the satisfaction that the hard work gives you, the peace and tranquility that the Ripple Retreat radiates, really rubs off and I always come away feeling better than when I arrived.
These current times are very hard for most of us, in different ways and to different degrees. I do know however, that Lynne will have brilliant ideas, that the Young Ambassadors, Ambassadors, friends and volunteers of It’s good 2 give will carry them through and continue the fabulous work of the charity.
Thanks to Angela for taking the time to write this for us.
Professor Angela Thomas OBE