Make Your Shopping Make a Difference

Recently. we introduced Text to Give as a way for you to make a donation to It’s good 2 give to help young cancer patients and their families. We are extremely grateful for every donation we receive to help these families in Scotland when they need it most.

There are lots of other ways you can help our charity too which many of you maybe aren’t aware of that you can do as part of your normal routine.

Here are three ways that businesses will give to It’s good 2 give on your behalf, when you shop online.

Amazon Smile
Amazon donates 0.5% of the net purchase price (excluding VAT, returns and shipping fees) of eligible purchases to a charitable organisation of your choice.  You can still shop the same way, for the same price and the same products but with the added bonus of them making helping your favourite charity.

You can register at

Easy Fundraising
Easy Fundraising help you raise donations for good causes when you shop online. Simply just start your online shopping first at easy fundraising then shop as normal and their retailers will then make a small donation to say “thank you”.

It's free and simple to use and can be claimed in over 752 fashion outlets, over 119 insurance companies and 117 food and drink businesses including ebay, John lewis, Argos and

Find out more at

Give as you Live
Give as you Live is another free and easy way to raise money for your favourite charity, when you shop online.
Once you've signed up, you can browse the website for the store you want to shop with. Click 'shop & raise' to go to their website and continue to shop as normal.
They will even email you to let you know how much you've raised.

Sign up at

Make your online shopping even more enjoyable next time you make a purchase in the knowledge that your shopping can help others too.

Online shopping to help charities
Clare Bridson