It's Good 2 Give - Big Weekend In 30-31 May

This weekend we’re having a big virtual PARTY!

Join us for our It’s good 2 give Big Weekend In, a family friendly weekend festival from the comfort of your own home or garden, in this weather.

There will be something for everyone with online sessions on art, fitness, dancing, mindfulness, music, photography, yoga, kids entertainment and much more.

There’s even a VIP Zoom after party!

There’s no ticket required….just tune in and enjoy.

All we ask is for you to make a donation to it’s good 2 give and you have a good time.

So many wonderful people have donated their time and skills to make this event happen and we would like to thank them all.

We would love you to get involved, share the event with your friends and comment on the events you enjoy.

Thank you

Big Weekend In Poster
Clare Bridson