Young Ambassador Eden writes …

Young Ambassador Eden

Young Ambassador Eden

Indeed, everyone has taken COVID-19 as a big shock and a fright right now, all we can do is reassure our friends and family that this is a one-time only thing and will never happen again.

Except nobody can guarantee if it is or not. I am terribly unhappy that I have been unable to attend the fundraising events that Lynne has organised as they have been cancelled and goodness knows when we will get a chance to host another but I am so looking forward to helping again. Everyone will stay strong and look out for each other and always remember a relative or friend are only a call away! We have been checking on our neighbours, especially if they live alone.

Doing schoolwork at home has been weird but I get to work beside my Mum. We like to stop for ‘Elevenses’ with David Walliams and have a cup a tea and a bit of cake.....we have baked a lot!!!! For the Young Ambassadors, Easter garland/wreath competition, I made a wreath that I hope can give me a chance of winning the fab prize that Lynne has offered.

I enjoyed writing thank you letters to people who have helped the charity and donated in lots of different ways! I even wrote to one of my neighbours, Linda Milne. I am looking forward to writing more thank you letters soon.

Remember to keep your distance from others and wash your hands after touching anything that isn’t yours and most importantly, stay safe and keep smiling!

Eden Murray, Young Ambassador


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