It's good 2 give

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It’s good 2 give - Lockdown Quiz, who's getting involved

Host Grant Stott

Zoom Quizzers

Well how amazing was the first every It’s good 2 give, lockdown quiz.

So many supporters taking part, questions from famous faces and live music too!  It’s good to give patron Grant Stott was fantastic as quizmaster - hitting all the right buttons at all the right times and making surprisingly little reference to his favourite football team!

When it comes to fundraising and awareness raising ideas, Lynne always has the best and what better way to spend a Monday night but in the company of 60+ people all looking for a break from the boredom, having fun and showing their support for their favourite charity. 

There were laughs, great memories re-lived in the tv round, dancing in the music rounds, in house squabbling over who was right and many questions about Edinburgh and Scotland that we should probably have known the answers too :)

Well done to Lynne, Shonagh, Carla and Grant for putting this all together and roll on the next one, how they will beat it I will never know!

Make sure you are following the It’s good to give Facebook Page so you don’t miss the next one. 

Clare - It’s Good 2 Give Supporter